I mean I know a dude whose initials are KD[last initial]. He doesn't like his feminine first name, so he started going by Katie. KD. He just can't win.
Yes, but you can clearly see a woman in her profile pic, combined with a girl's name, on a trans instance, and if any of that gives you pause enough to check her profile, you'll find it says, "sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum." Just because some random guy somewhere goes by KD does not make it ok to misgender someone who is very obviously a woman.
Whoever downvoted this, come out and say it my face, coward. Fuck transphobes.
I can't recall ever seeing a single profile pic on Lemmy. Even when clicking on a username, all I see are posts, no profile. I honestly didn't even know there was a profile to edit. I'm primarily on Voyager.
No downvotes from me; just adding my experience to the conversation.
Anyone browsing on most mobile Lemmy apps does not see profile pics btw, so people might be downvoting because "she's very obviously a woman" is in fact not at all obvious to mobile users.
I did not downvote btw. Am using Eternity Lemmy client.
There's still the username. And the proper response to that situation is, "Oh, oops, I didn't realize, let me edit my comment, thanks for bringing it to my attention."
If I can figure out a way to view who downvoted, I will be tagging them to call them out and name and shame. I find it completely inexcusable. If they didn't know they were in the wrong, they wouldn't be afraid to show their faces and explain themselves.
I really want to down vote you because of your aggressiveness and off topic ranting but I'll ask instead what about their username should tell me the user's gender?
Why the fuck are y'all using these shitty apps that don't display either profile pics or usernames properly? Literally worse functionality than just using a browser.
Don't get mad at me for your choice to use a shitty product that takes away basic functionality and causes you to be ignorant about people's identities.
"Um, actually, you're being unfair to people using text-only browsers."
No one is mad at you for the app they use. People are upset with your shitty behavior. No one that downvoted you did so because of transphobia or whatever bullshit reason you want to come up with. It's because you're a miserable keyboard warrior and likely troll.
"My shitty behavior," that is, calling out misgendering and transphobia. But it's definitely not transphobia that's motivating downvoters. Oh, and you know this how? None of them have come out to say their reasons, because they're transphobic cowards who don't want to get called out for it.
You'd better fucking believe I'm going to "aggressively" support trans people against you fucks.
Youre shitty behavior is doubling down on calling out the so called transphobia when it has been explained to you several times that many users don't see the same label you are seeing. You admitted that yourself. I'm telling you right now as a person who downvoted you why I did so. It's time to move along now troll.
You need to stop screaming transphobe at everyone who disagrees with you, it's a serious accusation, and it's been explained to you that not everyone sees profile pictures.
My god, I’m beginning to think you’re a parody account. No one can be this arrogant and smug about something so petty and unimportant as what app one uses.
My app, and clearly a lot of mobile apps, show the @, which is like the legal name, so cupcakezealot@lemmy.blajah.zone, it does not show the account display name, which is Katy, until I click on the profile. This is most likely due to screen size and for readability. Same with the profile picture, do not see it until I click on the profile.
Which brings me back to the question I've been trying to get an answer to as to why someone would go out of their way to install an app that reduces the websites functionality.
In any case, the proper response should be, "oops, it was a mistake, thanks for letting me know" and not fighting me on it or downvoting.
As I explained before, I don't give a shit about your profile picture or display name, it does nothing but take up valuable screen space. I want to see your username and comment, that's what I came here for.
To accomodate different instances and different infrastructure I would assume. My app lets me turn the display name and the profile picture on and off, but again the size of the photo and the dual display name and @ takes up a lot of screen space and it’s easier to have them off.
lol… you really need to pick a better hill to die on than this- “who downvoted me?! My words need to be respected!” crap. I downvote you all the time when I see you trying to get under people’s skin- which is more frequent than when you’re not.
You aggressively argue with people and refuse to accept that others see the word differently than you do. And both your modlog and your comment history proves this.
Let’s see… I don’t throw temper tantrums when people downvote me. That’s one difference. I also don’t give a shit what people online think about me enough to whine that people disagreeing with me. And lastly, there’s little I find less important than what method someone uses to type shit on an Internet forum.
Very convenient how you skirt around why people are actually downvoting the person saying you shouldn't misgender people. When the way people "see the world differently than you" is that they think trans people's identities don't deserve respect, they're not owed a respectful response
Very convenient how you completely ignore my entire point that they’re a petty troll with a modlog to prove it- they’re here browbeating people because of their choice in apps- and that I couldn’t care less what they’re arguing for, or against.
Now- considering that I have explained this to you once already, it’s now safe to assume that you’re just trying to manufacture an argument here. However, I’m a mature adult and I don’t play little debate-troll games with people.
Nothing screams mature like one or two dozen comments dogpiling someone who corrected what looked like super blatant misgendering. Why is it so important to dogpile somebody who corrected misgendering? Why not just move on like a normal person and not act like downvoting someone for pointing out misgendering isn't weird?
In the off chance you're not arguing in bad faith here, seriously what's the point of this? Somebody corrected some misgendering that looked blatant and pointed, and didn't even have that strong a reaction to it, and you and like 20 others downvoted and dogpiled them for it. Why? And it started before lemmy apps were even brought up, so that's not it. If you or anyone else who downvoted think trans people deserve respect, why are you spending so much energy punishing someone for respecting a trans person's pronouns? Explain how downvoting someone into oblivion for correcting misgendering does anything good for trans rights
lol…Since you appear to be unwilling to address the topic of a discussion after I’ve explained it to you several times, and are only able to attack the shit-tier straw man you’ve created, I’m left to assume that you’re purposefully trying to paint me as some anti-trans antagonist so you can report my comments/get me banned.
I will say this one last time and mostly for the poor mods that now have to read through this stupid conversation:
You are defending this person WAY to aggressively, makes me wonder if one should look into wether or not you are a sock puppet account. Seeing as how you only popped in after they were banned…. Curious, don’t you think?
"I AM ONLY POINTING OUT THE RIDICULOUSNESS OF GATEKEEPING APPS BASED ON THR ABILITY TO SEE PEOPLES NAMES. AND THAT THEIR COMENT HISTORY IS RIFE WITH REMOVALS AND BANS- INDICATING THEY ARE A TROLL." False. You and everyone else started on them before other apps were ever brought up, and I'll admit that was kinda silly for them to get upset about. But don't act like this is about that when it's very clearly not. And all you have to do to get comments removed or get banned is disagree with the mods of any major instance, like by saying trans people or Palestinians deserve rights on a .world comm or not liking fascism or the taliban on .ml. Doesn't mean shit about whether or not someone is a troll or a sock puppet, but go ahead and research it since they and I are living rent free in your head rn.
"NOTHING IN MY COMMENT HAS ANYTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH TRANSGENDERISM IN ANY CAPACITY." Then how come people being misgendered is just a difference in opinion to you? Why did you get so upset about them just correcting a case of misgendering? If you're cool with trans people, surely you're cool with pointing out when somebody gets misgendered and won't freak out if somebody does
"Who downvoted me? My words need to be respected" is a hell of a way to misconstrue somebody wondering why correcting a blatant case of misgendering got them shit tons of hate. Again, why the hate for that unless they're against respecting trans people? This isn't any more clever than when Nazis say "oh everyone is a Nazi to you" while flying a swastika. The fact that you think disrespect is the proper response to respecting trans people says a fucking lot about you and all the other cissies in these replies.
Are you done? Or have you not gotten tired of defending and downplaying transphobic bullshit on the Internet?