Actually it's all pretty intuitive, I like the idea of national servers (joined the .nl one) but being able to see all the other servers too. I hope we can get more people to switch
It is recommended (but not required) to use a client that lets you block certain instances and communities. It allows for you to curate a more "sane" feed.
Also, we are frequently accused of being nice here on lemmy, so just to even things out a little: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Now, stick around and enjoy your stay, or I shall taunt you a second time.
Blocking instances is your choice really. I won't mention any, as I prefer people to decide for themselves, but it shouldn't take you long to notice some common denominators regarding posts and communities from certain instances.
I haven't felt the need to block any instance besides the NSFW ones on my main account so I can scroll in public without porn popping up, but then again I'm less thin-skinned than most
The Eglin Airforce bots and drones use that everyday in the nafo Reddit circle jerk.
Not much difference here except for too small and unimportant to have bots and authoritarian banning of non- approved opinions is fairly limited.
manufactured consent does its work already without need for more intervention.