That's a given, but now he has an entire website in his download dir. So all the scripts, images, child pages, directories, etc. are all over the folder's contents.
If he tried to publish, he would have to find every single dependancy and upload them, which would then require somebody competent to figure out what he missed.
What I am saying is web devs are safe from AI taking their job, for now.
As a web dev I'm not worried, but chatgpt has been useful figuring out some Godot/C# oddities that come with learning a new language. I worry for the new people who will just use what it says and not learn anything.
Even then, it will spit out methods and signatures from different but similar libraries (litedb and sqlite for instance)
But like said, I was expecting it to be a single page, probably rammed with unnecessary JavaScript.
It's interesting because it lets regular people with little to no training produce software.
It isn't great software, it doesn't always work... but considering the amount of software that an untrained person could produce previously was exactly none, it's a pretty interesting development in technology.
I dunno bro, I can really see how the chicken could be enticed to cross the road by virtue of his chicken instincts. I'm something of a biologist myself
Mine is definitely a junk drawer of random nonsense that is tens of gigs in size.
I wanted to recover files from an old hard drive for a Linux install I had for about a decade, it was not fun to look through for the handful of files I wanted.
Keep 3 folders on your desktop, "In" "Out" and the trash that's built in to most DEs. Put things you want out of the way in "In", move them to "Out" when you're thinking about getting rid of them, if they've been in "Out" a long time move them to trash.