Ronald was a pretty good politician before he became president. He was popular for a reason and it wasnt because he was an actor. The joke in Back to the Future is funny because he wasn't really very well regarded as an actor. Look up how many Acting Awards he won.
Wait, so your saying the guy that couldn't win a rigged award contest was better at the socio economic complexities of that is American politics? OK...
This is definitely news. It's not the biggest story out there by any means, but no one said it was. Is this really something you think NFL news reporters should just ignore though? I also don't believe whitepeopletwitter is a community centered around breaking news so I have zero clue what you're going on about.
If this was more about Travis Kelce liking Trump you'd have no problem agreeing with me. You're only ignoring the principle in this case because this particular person thinks the same as you.
Although I find this comment pretty stupid, it's quite hard nowadays to not think : Ok, so US has officially joined the New Axis and is there to stay with widd popular support, because they're now basically the nazis. What happens there is of no importance. What's important is to find the new Allies.