The UK-based Telegraph newspaper has obtained a copy of a proposed peace plan being pitched by the Trump administration to Ukraine that has reportedly set off "panic" in Kyiv.As the Telegraph writes, the plan delivered to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last week would "amount to the US econ...
According to the Telegraph, a leaked confidential Trump peace plan delivered to President Zelenskyy has caused panic in Kyiv.
The proposal would grant the U.S. half of revenues from Ukraine’s resource extraction and licensing, effectively amounting to economic colonization.
The Telegraph noted, "Trump’s demands would amount to a higher share of Ukrainian GDP than reparations imposed on Germany at the Versailles Treaty, later whittled down at the London Conference in 1921, and by the Dawes Plan in 1924."
Simultaneously, the plan would absolve Russia for its invasion that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Until recently the US supplied a lot of weapons to Ukraine. That did give US official opinion a lot of weight.
Since Trump and his Republican followers have stopped all aid to Ukraine this influence has evaporated. Why would you care about the opinion of someone who has literally just left you to die?
Knowing what's really going-on, in this world, as unconscious-mind's imprint->reaction mind tries to smash all considered-reasoning from having ANY say in the world, aka The Great Filter,
I'd not be surprised if Trump threatened to outright-nuke Ukraina for disobeying his agreement with Putin.
People are fools to think that sociopathy-psychopathy isn't running the world, now, calling the real shots.
The fascist-nihilist network actually wants all others butchered, & they want to have fun during the roller-coaster-ride as they preside-over/enforce it, as the ruling "kings".
NEVER mistake an opponent playing a negative-sum-game ( nihilist-sadists, e.g. ) for an opponent who is playing a zero-sum-game ( narcissists ), or an opponent who is playing a positive-sum-game ( win-win alliance ).
The US has not really done all that much. That said, as above, others would have to step up.
But the US has mostly been sending old stock and then replenishing their own. All the money they claim to be sending is being spent in the US.
And anything actually new has been very, very slow rolled. Canada made the mistake of piggy-backing purchases on US orders. Air defence systems Canada fully funded (money to the US) in early 2023 are only being delivered now.
That’s not quite accurate. The U.S. is the country that has provided the largest support to Ukraine. Congress has voted $175 billion for Ukraine. About half of that was sent to them and the other half was spent domestically to help them.
Not really feasible. The US has intelligence assets, spy satellites, AWACs, munitions spare parts, etc. that Europe can’t easily replace or doesn’t hold the rights to distribute to Ukraine without US consent.
There is a reason the US doesn’t have universal healthcare.
I guess my comment here would be that you may not have either of them soon. Trump has talked about cutting military spending in half. He is certainly not going to spend that on healthcare.
As funny as that joke is (and I have certainly laughed at it I the past), I do not believe the US is indispensable in the fight against Russia. Incredibly helpful yes. It will be a big loss. That said…
If the rest of us stay engaged, Ukraine will have what it needs.
I am much more concerned that the US will drop sanctions against Russia. Draining Russia’s bank accounts is critical.
Worse, as countries like Canada move their energy sales away from the US, I can see the US becoming a customer of Russian energy.