So the problem with a Man in The Middle attack is the numbers won't sync. And not on fancy charts. It's like saying cashier drawer theft would go unnoticed because there's no camera. When they count the drawer at the end of the night they're going to know. When they get the hard copies of the ballots at the end of the night they're going to know.
If you can actually review the above and honestly believe everything is A-OK... fuck, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not going to respond further, but those communities are just a handful of the resources cataloging the mask off moment of fascism in the US.
Even if you want to keep pretending the election was legitimate, what are the democrats doing to stop this? Hakeem Jefferies is actually complaining about the number of constituents telling him to defend democracy.
Trump is demonstrating the rule of law was always only meant for the poor. His horde is calling for the 'removal' of judges that are "corrupt" because they follow the law.
Okay so a video form of the same data I already looked at isn't going to convince me any better. In order for the rest -
Auditing the 2024 election. Every swing state does an audit. They already do the simple thing the article admits would show a hack had occurred. Look up Post Election Audit.
One Amish guy's friend is not data.
Trump, Musk, and Musk's kid making comments are not evidence unless they say, "I changed the numbers in X state."
And Gillibrand is a conservative Democrat. It's absolutely possible for people to vote for her and Trump. Most people weren't even aware of project 2025. In exit polling the biggest factor was the economy.
I'm going to say the thing I came here to say one more time. You are borrowing trouble you don't need and isn't real. Take a step back and actually look instead of going down the doomhole.