Are you ever going to raise how Kennedy led us to nuclear annihilation? Am I living in a fallout shelter right now? lol. Where were you ever going with raising the CMC?
You've dodged all substance, knowing you were outclassed.
You’ve completely misrepresented my argument yet again not like that will change your mind of course. JFK was leading us towards nuclear war. Thankfully he didn’t get the chance
These responses are so predictable I can pre-write my reply. You've got absolutely nothing to support your original claim, and continue to dodge all substance. This discussion is over.
Sorry raising Trump seems to scare you or something? Perfectly relevant to compare and contrast two presidents in their approach to resolving a crisis, but I suspect that's a bit beyond your capacity for critical-thinking. Memes and cringe is more your speed, I take it? Are you still in high school?