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For the worse, I'd say JFK and RFK.
52 1 ReplyEasternLettuce JFK was leading the world towards nuclear annihilation
3 46 Replylennybird
Fucking Bullllllllllshit. The letters between Khrushchev and JFK suggest otherwise.
Edit: Save your eyes; they never justify their bullshit.
46 1 ReplyDraces Hahaha nice edit. There's not a lot of substance but you're very entertaining so it's a fun read
2 19 ReplyEasternLettuce Have you heard of one Cuban missile crisis?
1 27 Replylennybird
You know last I checked the Cuban Missile Crisis never led to nuclear annihilation?
You do realize the CMC deescalated in lieu of these letters, riiighhtttt...?
Sounds like he didn't creep us toward anything but rather navigated us away.
Could a dipshit like Donnie have done the same? Big doubt.
32 2 ReplyEasternLettuce Nowhere in my comments have I mentioned Donald trump.
3 17 Replylennybird
Go ahead and ask me if I at any point cared whether you did or not.
But I did.
18 3 ReplyEasternLettuce I don’t know what you’re talking about but you seem pretty hostile and incoherent so have a nice day
4 21 Replylennybird
You just said some bullshit, got called on it, then ran away without any substantive argument. That is all that happened here.
Have a great day as well!
19 3 ReplyEasternLettuce What happened in your life you make you so angry, have you sought out therapy of some kind?
2 18 Replylennybird
Who's angry? This is more akin to assertively disciplining a child who tries to lie.
17 3 Replynjm1314 You know there's an Unwritten rule of the internet, the first person to accuse the other person of being angry is the one who's really angry.
15 2 Reply