The United States is imploding. The reign of Donald Trump is not only challenging and threatening the very foundations of its constitutional democracy, it
In three weeks, Donald Trump has imploded whatever positive image the United States might have had internationally.
I feel like saying it's normal for empires to fall due to external causes is not accurate? It's usually the exception. Maybe the external factor is the final kick, knocking over a rotting house of cards, but the cause is almost always division, internal conflict, or unsustainable growth. An empire is much more likely to collapse under its own weight than it is to have Alexander the Great kick its teeth in. The Ottoman Empire was called "The Sick Man of Europe" for a reason.
It's absolutely not. It's their very internal policies that force them into destroying themselves. They start believing their own propaganda. For both Rome and Constantinople it was wasting huge amounts of it's power on fighting Persia and trying to extend its borders in ways that outran it's logistics capacity. For the Ottomans it was the rise of nationalism and their ham fisted attempts to combat it. For the modern Western imperialists it was the base fact that direct colonial rule was always a monetary drain for the state and only made businesses money. Making these stupid decisions was because each empire had created a web of political commitments and internal propaganda that was unsustainable.
The Roman Empire took centuries to eventually collapse and a lot of it was corruption, hyperinflation, and complacency. It's happening here but at a much quicker rate.
Maybe the external factor is the final kick, knocking over a rotting house of cards, but the cause is almost always division, internal conflict, or unsustainable growth.
Rome was a place where power consolidated, but the various eras might as well have been different empires.
The system collapsed, dissolved, reconstituted, and expanded several times during the 1400 years it existed.
Same with China. 5000 years of history emerging from Beijing, but each dynasty was distinct.
Even the US has reinvented itself several times over by now. Antebellum America might as well have been a different country. New Deal America was radically different from it's Coolidge Era predecessor. Reagan's America became it's own thing in turn. Trumpian America is a new thing, not an end point.
Anacyclosis, Polybius was motivated by the fall of the Hellenistic society. When Rome conquered Greece it was unfathomable to them that they could ever even be conquered, let alone so quickly. They were swept aside in such a rapid fashion that it was a cultural shock.
The US has this image of being unassailable, but the reality is that apathy is the greatest enemy we have ever faced. We have no faith in our leadership, and we're short on supply of actual warriors despite what the keyboard warriors would have everyone thing.
All the gun toting rednecks driving large pickup trucks shrink when they're actually confronted with anything, and we've devolved into a system of cowards.
The day America stands up and puts the ruling class heads on spikes, that's the day the rest of the world should fear, but the rest of the world can just live comfortably knowing we're all weak and worthless.
Seriously, just look up "peopleofwalmart", that's the insanely low bar we go by these days.
but the cause is almost always division, internal conflict, or unsustainable growth.
I refer to it as atrophy. Once it becomes easier and more profitable for the empire to exploit its own populace instead of others, this is what we get.
As a country.
Britain, Spain, Portugal have been around for much longer as a country.
That period is not as long as they have existed in the capacity or form of being an 'empire'.
I was asking from what year, decade even to what year.
This is as vague as it gets.
If I wanted to be pedantic I would ask what a "contenant" is.
That date you mention is about California?
I think you don't get what being an empire means.
It's not having a really big country.
So you are unaware of the goings on in the year 1776?
What? Do you think becoming independent makes you an empire?
Jeez, I would say stay in school and learn some fundamentals, but then again you're in the US.
This is pointless
Jeez I asked for a definition of empire. I'm sure that a resident of the most horrific colonial power in all history knows what it means. So tell me.
Edit: lol it just struck me how funny it is for a Belgian to say the USA's hegemony will be forgotten, most living humans couldn't even find you guys on a map.