This zero-tolerance permanent unforgivability mentality is super common now. Why would you not consider buying a Jeep in say 20 years, when every person responsible for making or implementing some heinous decision that outrages you right now probably won't even work there anymore?
What I'm talking about is the popular stand that offenses against public opinion are unforgivable and unredeemable. Nobody should buy from company X, nobody should listen to musician Y, nobody see any more movies with actor Z in them, etc.
The fact remains that, unless everyone decides to punish these companies by not buying anything from them until they change course, it'll only keep getting worse.
Show me 1 that has changed to keep their clients happy instead of the shareholders.
Yes, it can change within 20 years, for the worse, as history has shown us.
If they change course in the next 5 years, so be it. But right now, Jeep took some dev time to develop this, meaning they plan to use it at some point.
They deserve to lose the trust of the consumer because they gave us a peek behind the curtain and it fucking sucks.
Stop being pro-corpo, they are not your friend and they will piss on your corpse if that means they get a dollar more.