It's absurd for leftists to be talking about Jill Stein when we could be arguing about Hillary Clinton instead. The point is to narrow our coalition till it's pure. (and too small to get their way on pizza toppings)
I get your point but its not because of that. The reasons are varied why Trump won but primarily its because ~70% of the population failed to prevent him from winning.
I'm not responsible for any of this shit. I did not sign up to being born. I did not sign up for a leftist revolution where I die a martyr to a doomed cause so left accellerationists can circle jerk over my corpse as they LARP.
I'm going to hunker down, try to survive. Though admittedly even if I do make it to the end of this shit show my cynicism towards the average person will never go away.
I did stuff before the election like canvass and would have been enthusiastic to do more had Harris won.
But yeah... my motivation is in the core of the earth now... I can barely motivate myself to do basic upkeep in my own life now a days let alone putting effort externally.
I told you, I did not choose to be here on earth but I'll add an addendum: I've also not brought any more humans into this doomed planet and intend to prevent such by getting a vasectomy as soon as I can afford it. I don't have any debt to future generations and I'm making sure I wont ever. There, that's my action plan.
I sympathize with the innocent people already alive being hurt and who will be hurt. We should have fought harder before the election, but for my own sanity and safety I'm going to opt out as much as feasibly possible. Eventually I hope I will abandon this very account once I'm done venting and just stop engaging. IDK when that will be though, maybe I wont be able to help myself.
All that said I get what you are trying to do here. You seem to be one of the good ones, I hope things are not as fucked as I think they are and that one day I'll feel stupid for being doomer. Though again, even if things somehow turn out OK, my perception of most other people will be forever stained. It'll impossible for me to look at a stranger without thinking "They're probably not a good person" for the rest of my life.