this one is actually one of my favorite memes. It's up there with the "oh youre into pronouns? how about you let me she/them titties" Mario voice acted one
Transfem enby here - the way it works for me (can't speak for anyone else) is essentially as two valid options. Some of my friends alternate, some stick with one, but if you're going to pick just one then those are the correct options. Can't guarantee it'll be the same for others with multiple valid pronouns but most will be happy to explain if you ask. Personally I list them from most to least preferred but they're both right so as long as it's one of those I don't care that much
I do the same. I guess it'd make more sense to write she/her/they/them but that's long and everybody recognizes that the single slash represents pronouns so more looks weird.
Just want to say, seeing this can be helpful and encouraging to people who are questioning and scared of saying or doing the wrong things. At least it was for me. There was a particular person I was following on social media that described herself as a 'transfem enby', who was probably the most instrumental in making me come to terms with myself, who listed all four of these pronouns. And seeing all of those pronouns made me think, "Oh, so the rules aren't so black and white and this isn't actually so scary and intimidating after all. I am valid in how I feel, even if I'm actually fine with any pronouns."
Of course, I've now seen 'any' listed as pronouns many times but when you're not in these circles yet, you're ignorant and go by what you see in media representation etc. Concepts that seem obvious to me now would've been beyond me before.
You do what works for you, but that doesn't seem like the original intent. They/them is for everybody by default. You don't really need to list it besides to say you don't recognize others. The first and second pronoun listed is usually the same gendered term, but for a different purpose. He/him or she/her are both male or female respectively.
I'd argue to write what you're saying it should be she/her/they/them. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day, but it does make the format confusing if the rules become murky.
I'm a cis man though, so it's not really my place to say.
gendered/non-gendered mixes like that can be a little confusing at first. i’ve met folks with these chosen pronouns, and the answers i’ve gotten have ranged from “i’m happy with either” to “i’d prefer if you used both roughly the same amount”.
anecdotally, they’ve also been some of the most chill folks i’ve met when it comes to messing up their pronouns! which is wonderful for me because my brain is a pile of rotting swiss cheese that can sometimes do math ^^
I've always understood them as either/or, although I always though people wput their preferred one first. Sometimes people will use both when they're questioning or just want to test one out to see if it feels more comfortable, or sometimes they truly just don't care.
Though I remember someone once wanted each specific pronoun to be used depending on what you were saying (i.e. she went to the store where their friend was waiting), which I would try to respect but honestly that's a whole other level of thinking and I can't imagine most people being this particular.
I've thought about correcting people about my pronouns depending on how I'm feeling, but honestly I couldn't even expect myself to get it right so I don't.
"I ate her apple while looking at her and she was mad" / "i ate their apple while looking at them and they were mad" are essentially the same sentence when you think about it. One just has specific gender markers attached, and some people don't like that
Ok, complex idea boiled down to cliff notes: normalisation.
I'm cisfem, but if someone who doesn't know me refers to me as they, i'm fine with it. I'm not a they, but allowing this habit opens the door a bit more for someone who is.