Im 50 and white. A lot of the people I know who hated the halftime show aren’t hip-hop fans and/or have trouble interpreting dance performances. The racist people I know just didn’t watch it at all.
If you find that the source of yours news is in constant agreement with your opinions, and you are in constant agreement with the news they provide, I hate to break it to you, but both you- and your news source are biased, and biased news doesn’t automatically default to being true just because you want it to.
It’s not about left, centrist, or right sources. And thinking it is- is exactly why we are having the problem we currently have. It’s about finding an HONEST one.
Find a source of notes that isn’t afraid to tell you shit you won’t always agree with.
Yeah, anytime I find myself nodding along I try to head over to Allsides and expand my view. I'm sure someone here has something to say about Allsides, I admittedly didn't dig too deeply into the site itself, but it is essentially an aggregator that tells you whether a site is right left or center.
404media is pretty reputable (so far) as well. There are some good podcasts that try to stay as unbiased and factual as possible too. I think the biggest thing is to try to get a nice variety of reliable, neutral sources. If you see a big story go ahead and see what some others are saying. I agree with the above commenter about your news sources "agreeing" with you. Your news source should be informing you of events, not telling you what to think about those same events. Unfortunately Cheeto was right about one thing, you can't trust the MSM. They've completely abdicated their role as the fourth estate in civil society.
The catch is finding a goid conservative English language source is very difficult. A Financial Times sub runs $300usd a year almost for the more news and opinion focused online version (lacks the in depth business stuff that runs 7-800/yr.
But also fuck this type of partisan rage bait article. This type of writing is what divides us, even if it’s saying things you wanna hear.
Hear, hear.
This kind of 'information' is like doing drugs, it feels good but it destroys your ability to function as a normal human being. Getting addicted to outrage and 'owning the <other side>' is playing into the divisive politics that allows the powers that be to divide us. Nobody is going to want to work with you if you're calling them a MAGAT and you're not going to want to work with anyone who's attacking you.
Your enemy isn't the other middle class and poor people who've been convinced to wear a different color hat than you. If you can't see that and adjust your behavior appropriately then you still have a lot to learn and I hope we have enough time for you to catch up.