Being able to recognise, and willing to act on red flags WITHIN a community or organisation is vital to its success
ID: From a Comrade posted:
"In the coming year, things will pop off. When they do, someone will volunteer to do security. They will possibly show up with a lot of battle rattle and a take-charge, can-do attitude.
Do not let them do security. Ask them to read some bell hooks. Ask them how many women they know trust them. Ask them to do some reproductive labor first, like working in a kitchen. Talk to them in depth about political theory. Understand their motivations and their relationship to violence and power.
Over half of people who want to do security, are people who should never do security. The biggest red flag for weeding out bad security people, is that they are eager to do security."
Well, as Lewis's Law goes - the comments on any article about feminism justify the existence of feminism. Never fails.
Honestly, it's pretty fucking scary to see the lengths some men will go to to defend what they see as their god given right to benefit from and uphold oppressive structures.
The almost instant collapse in to a heap of whiny "victim of oppression" (seriously? Seriously?! Being asked to do some kitchen work and read a book so that you can be better is being "policed"? Do they even hear themselves?! 🤣 Of course they don't want anyone asking how many women trust them, these displays confirm there would be none) would be hilarious if it wasn't instantly also so fucking draining..
The more clear it is we see through them, the more oppressed they seem to become 😂
It is, OP is having some kind of fantasy where they decide who gets to do “security” based on their answer to “how safe are women around you on a scale from 1 to 10 no lies pls”