I have moderated many in the past- and I only moderate a few currently. And I can tell you from my experience over the years- doing shit your way is the opposite of what defines a good moderator.
And if it helps, because it sort of relates-
If you’re going to ask a question, maybe allow the person questioned, to answer before you drop accusations on them. Because the “glass houses” this makes you come off as someone smug and obnoxious.
It’s your community, moderate as you see fit- but know that your not entitled to have everyone agree with you.
And oh yes. I will absolutely call people trolls. Because I call my opinions as I see them. And some people are fucking trolls. That’s the way shit goes on the internet. However, that doesn’t mean would ever do this as a moderator- because I know how to keep my bias in check when it’s time to run a community that others rely on being fair.
You clearly have shown you can’t.
Think of it like this: when one goes to work, they don’t talk shit and insult their customers/clients, regardless of wether or not they feel they deserve it. It’s called professionalism and responsibly. If you can’t run a community with either of these, you have no business running a community.
And it seems everyone here agrees, because you’re getting absolutely wrecked where you thought you’d have solidarity.
Because it’s irrelevant to the discussion. I’m not the one on the stand, defending my actions and seeking validation for doing shit that should probably warrant me being removed as a moderator- you are.
I’m just offering advice. And it’s coming from both barrels because due to the nature of what you did, and how fucking smug you are about it here- I honestly didn’t feel you deserved it served any other way.
Want respect? Then be respectful. And the fact that you’re here being an ass to people because they called you out for acting like the very thing you claim to stand against, clearly shows that you are not.
If I were you, I’d make a stickied post in your community offering an apology and a promise to never do that shit again.