personally, the only person i've known who actually played wh40k was a woman (she played tyrannids). i've been wanting to get into it since they introduced leagues of votaan, but it is a pricey fuckin hobby to get into.
The price is daunting at first, but once you see people's army's and start seeing your own minis improve, it becomes a real hobby and you make it work.
I've probably spent way more money on paint, brushes, and practice minis before I started on my armies.
And then you're hanging out in your local shop looking at some Space Dwarfs and stroke up a conversation with a dude who starts talking about the Black Templars and how cool they are for defending the Imperium just like All of the Real Crusaders which is honestly kind of weird because the dude is fucking Asian?
Historicals though... I've never seen a woman excited about fielding an army of Burgundians against a bunch of English. It can get worse... Napoleonics, ancient stuff...