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Does this feel like advertising to anyone else?
34 1 Replykernelle
Not at all, but I am craving Cinnabon™
34 0 Replyprettybunnys With its hot gooey layers of cinnamon and dough draped in sensuous icing how could we all not crave Cinnabon™?
12 0 ReplyInfernal_pizza
I have a sudden urge to watch better call Saul
7 0 Replyanomnom I still need to watch the last season. Cancelled Netflix though and haven’t set up a safe way to sail the seas yet. Haven’t missed it though so maybe I shouldn’t.
2 0 Reply
DragonTypeWyvern I was genuinely thinking that it seems like the kind of viral ad a smart (or terminally online) marketing department might come up with.
7 0 Reply
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