GN Extras Our Response to Linus Sebastian January 21, 2025 Last Updated: 2025-01-21 GamersNexus responds to Linus Sebastian's WAN Show segment Evidence Included PLAGIARISM: Receipt #1 - History of Failure to Resolve IssuesDATA ERRORS: Receipt #2 - History of Failure to Resolve IssuesEDITORIAL DISPUT...
Like most internet beefs I'm guessing the truth lands somewhere in the middle.
Though as someone only sorta paying attention and I don't really care what happens I will say that Linus appears to be more upfront about his mistakes and continuing to own up to them as they come up. Not like he can own up for things that either never happened or he doesn't remember happening. He is still a human.
GN comes across more like the jealous angry kid that lashes out over text messages because they didnt get what they wanted. I can't shake the feeling that the "sudden" turn of GN against Linus has something to do with something else entirely that none of us even know about... Yet.
All that being said I have always liked Luke the most and I stopped watching LTT stuff quite a bit when Luke left. I still watch WAN because I find the information and entertainment combination the perfect background audio while I'm tinkering or whatever. I think both the GN and LTT videos generally both suck these days. GN just stands there with some paper in his hands and word vomits at the camera. Linus reminds me of the annoying orange at times.
GN brings the receipts and can back up any claim they make.
Linus just removed and moans while being called out on his legitimately bad behavior/thievery/etc,.. and hes used to being able to just lean into his cult, that laps up everything he says, and use them to pressure any smaller critic into silence.. Don't work with GN though, lol.
Man, idk about any of that. The only thing I can say is too far is the alleged autism comment, but there's no proof, just his word from 4.5 years ago
The WAN show is news commentary, that sometimes doesn't accurately attribute. That's reason not to watch, but not for claims of plagiarism or stealing.
And I rarely watch anything from LMG, except for specific videos that are exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not a follower of theirs, but just taking GN word as gospel seems just as dumb
The WAN show is news commentary, that sometimes doesn’t accurately attribute. That’s reason not to watch, but not for claims of plagiarism or stealing.
Commentary is
"And heres a news article from Gamers Nexus insert brief summary of story, brief back and fort, comments and opinions about it. And if you want more info, follow up with the original article at the link below"
And I rarely watch anything from LMG, except for specific videos that are exactly what I’m looking for. I’m not a follower of theirs, but just taking GN word as gospel seems just as dumb
There are literally evidence supported facts, and the fact that you are trying to handwave it away as dumb and as fools taking random empty words as gospel, Kinda really reveals the actual hand you're trying to play here, and says a lot more about you than anything else.
Informing the subject of an investigation and requesting comment to the allegations is considered proper journalism. Otherwise it comes off more as an attack.
I was similar but stopped watching the wan show when every episode became a product showcase for their merch. Real shame, I feel Luke's a weight keeping Linus somewhat grounded.
Luke is a relatively sane normal person. Linus is like the tasmanian devil. If Luke and Linuses wife weren't around who knows how canceled he would already have been lol.
It's really funny how in Linus's worst WAN show moments Luke just silently sits there doing nothing, every once in a while making a small attempt to prevent the imminent train wreck then leaving Linus to crash the train when it becomes obvious he's intent on doing so. Honestly they should probably stop doing the WAN show given how many times it's been WAN show clips that got them in hot water
I mean nothing super serious had come of it. The "hard R" incident was the funniest fucking thing ever. Luke's face was one of pure panic as he thought everything was blowing up right in his face.