On my old commute, there was this one really long red light with a u-turn and merging road to the right you could take.
Since the merging road was there, a right turn was allowed.
On busy traffic days, you could take the u-turn if the light was turning red and just go and skip it with a right turn. Pretty sure it pissed people off, but it was legal as far as I could tell.
I'm not sure if I'm picturing it correctly, but this just sounds like a Michigan left, which is how a lot of intersections here are designed (left turn is forbidden, you have to go past, u-turn, and turn right).
Same thing when there's a really long light with a right-turn lane to a much less busy side street. If you get there shortly after the light turns red just turn right, go partway down the street and make a u-turn, then make another right back onto the main street.