He’s definitely a bit of an asshole, but at the end of the day, from what I’ve seen from him over the years he does have his head on straight on a LOT of issues.
Hard agree. I used to think he was just strictly a dick, but his introspection and growth shows he's really honestly been thinking about things with as much empathy as he can muster.
That's a good point I think but I'd argue that's kinda a recipe for an asshole. Especially if you think you're always right and everyone else is stupid. Not that I think that's really the case with burr (I mean he can definitely be a bit of an ass sometimes but who isn't) and I don't have much of a problem with him at all but I think you're description kinda only makes a person conditionally not an asshole 😄
No idea who Jack is, but Josh is a stand-up comedian who has been releasing a new hour of topical material on a near weekly basis for the last few years.
Dave is an absolutely world class comedian, but I believe (and I'm pretty sure most of Lemmy would agree) his personal politics are trash.
Bill Burr is also a world class comedian, but I like most of his personal politics.
The problem is that unlike writing, music and movies unless you are on stage doing a "character" your personal politics IS your act and its very hard to separate the art and the artist.
I honestly thought Louis CK was going to take up the Carlin mantle. But instead he invited people up to his hotel room to watch him wank onto a mantle.
I assure you people did say that, particularly on Reddit, after his 8:46 set. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he wasn't pretty popular at one time. The Chappelle Show could have kept going, it had strong viewership. When Dave returned to comedy after his hiatus he was mostly liked. And when he did his 8:46 set about George Floyd, his popularity hit an all-time high with everyone but the alt-right.
You're not wrong about him being a jackass, and I would say bigoted more than racist, since his hate is broader than racism. But yes, people did laude him, for a brief time
Honestly the most annoying thing about the trans people shit is he just goes on and ON about it, and his jokes about it aren’t even that funny if you’re trying to look at it from a bigoted perspective. Like it’s not good material. It’s BORING dude. Why do like two whole specials where half of the time is you talking about it.
He’s definitely gone into territory that I think some people find “offensive”, but I personally find to just be blunt. Maybe it’s the old school Bostonian vibe, which I understand as a Bostonian, and some people not from the region don’t necessarily.
So? People get so hung up on their right to remain unoffended. That's not reality - it's hiding. Our collective thin skin is getting shredded. We all need a dose of "wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit" more often.
Seriously I think it’s possibly a psy-op to make the left weaker in North America. Or at least to make leftists seem weak. At any rate it’s working, look at what’s happening to our political landscape as a result.
For every American who gets offended at someone from Boston there's a Canadian that isn't a thin-skinned little removed. ;)
(okay maybe not a perfect metaphor but after the day I've had I'm not workshopping this one)
He's actually a really good example of how to do shock humor without being a bigot. He doesn't really punch down, and if he's doing like race jokes, it's usually through the lens of "look at how stupid this racist mfer is."