What? The Rodeny King beating and subsequent riots, OJ Simpson murdering 2 people, Columbine, the first time the WTC was bombed, 1500 people died near Mecca, and like 3 civil wars in Africa
I mean - I probably got to live the very best of the 90s Americana as a suburban kid with an old computer and a modem in it.
I still saw a lot of shit going on in the world. I mean ... AIDS pandemic, anyone? Remember fear around shaking someone's hand?
Sometimes I think the problem is that at any GIVEN time, like 2/3 of people aren't paying attention to what is happening outside their own immediate experience.
I’m supposed to be walking even more now. I have no ability left to forget difference between what should be and what this garbage today is. Play some old favorite shows in my earbuds? Idfk.
There's only a single decent quality video of the first plane on 9/11. Because in a city of millions of people, only 1 person in the area was recording at the time.
I can't even imagine how many videos there would be if it happened today.
I mean as bad as those things were, none of those things come close to recent events. Look at your examples and compare them to "worldwide virus kills millions and the entire planet goes into quarantine for a couple years" or "president of the United States fails to get reelected so he foments a literal coup on the US government and his rioting mob breaks into the capitol building trying to stop the transfer of power. And then 4 years later that criminal gets elected to be president again".
AIDS has killed many more than COVID-19, albeit slower. Gingrich and Justice Thomas are responsible for a lot of the degradation of our institutions that allowed for trump and his ilk. Gay and Trans rights were essentially non-existent compared to today.
We are worse off in many many ways, but for me personally that last one means I am much better off at this moment (this may not last).
Wow the comment made me think someone should make an updated version and here you are. Not the biggest fall out fan but that was pretty dope, esp with the fan made video on yt.
Eastern Europe collapsing in the power vacuum left by the fall of the USSR, multiple civil wars, horrendous war crimes including genocide. NATO having to go in.