I remember when the election happened I saw so many people on the left complaining that they needed a left wing version of Joe Rogan.
Motherfuckers you HAD Joe Rogan. He just talked to people you didn't like sometimes so you literally pushed him into the open arms of the right. Good job idiots.
We doing revisionist history now? Joe endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2020. He was a self described Democrat for the majority of his life.
But because he invited guests from both sides of the isle onto his podcast the left decided he was a problem. God forbid anyone want to even hear what the other side is thinking once in their lives. The left abandoned Joe and guess who was there to snap him up when they did that? The alt right dumbasses. So now we have Joe endorsing Trump this time around.
The left is not tolerant of any amount of different thinking among their ranks. You gotta agree on everything or you need to leave. You can see it situations like Joe or even smaller situations like myself and many others who spent their entire lives being Democrats only to be shown the door when we disagreed on one or two things.
Whether or not you believe that's what's going on I can tell with absolute certainty it is. The 2024 election results fall more on the shoulders of the Democratic party messing everything up than Trump or the Republicans doing anything particularly right.
Y'all need to stop thinking in such black and white terms when it comes to people. Someone can be all for universal healthcare, but also want their own gun to defend themselves. Some of the more moderate left can understand that, but the grand majority will view that kind of person as a full on righty so they push them away. And guess what happens when they do that? You lose elections because you're so up your own ass about things that you lose people who were on your side.
...be shown the door when we disagreed on one or two things.
Did your girlfriend break up with you over that tiny little issue of believing she deserves bodily autonomy?
Go ahead, tell us the tragic story of how the Democrats forced you to change sides not because of the issues that haven't changed, but because your feelings got hurt.
See you're proving my point for me right now. You don't even know me or any of my stances yet you assume because I have said I don't agree with all the ideas on the left that I must be a Trumpy.
I am staunchly pro-choice. I've never been broken up with because of my political beliefs.
You seriously need to take a step back and reevaluate how you interact with people.
No, I did not assume. I read the part where you said you spent your entire life as a Democrat. That's the past tense which means you no longer are.
Nobody kicked you out. You got upset when somebody pushed back. Just like now.
What opinion of yours got challenged enough that you left? Let's hear it so we know if it's bad enough to deserve whatever you got or you were unjustly maligned.
I'm not the guy you're replying to and I am interested to hear his response, but also I'd like to point out that you jumped to conclusions faster than Superman can jump over a building. But hey what do I know? I'm just a libertarian minarchist. Personally, almost all of your purity tests are repugnant from my point of view.
I used to be an Ayn Rand libertarian minarchist when I was a teenager. There's a bunch of reasons I disagree with it now, but the utter failure of people's butthead behavior during the pandemic is just the latest things that you'd have to completely ignore to maintain egotistical altruism is something that can be relied on in the real world. Not really interested in a discussion about it; I've had all of them long ago and I don't think we'd have anything to budge the other person.
You seem to have an entirely separate definition of what egotistical altruism means from how most other people understand the concept. In its simplest form it's just doing good unto others so they can live more productive better lives as more of their needs are met by community support.
No opinion of mine got challenged at all. There is no calm discussion with most Democrats. My mom is the only Democrat in my family that is even open to conversation with me on topics we disagree on. The majority simply scream or walk away the moment you say something they don't agree with. I have my beliefs about certain things that don't align with the lefts playbook. I have had lifelong friends (and family) stop speaking to me forever because I disagreed with them about one thing. We agreed on all other major political topics but they couldn't stand my different opinion on one thing so they "kicked" me out of their group. They don't want anyone with even remotely different thinking in their bubble. These are the same people who were 100% sure Kamala had 2024 in the bag. They built those garden walls a little too high and lost touch with reality.
I am friends with many people that I disagree with on a myriad of topics. I do not drop them as friends because we disagree on a few things because I'm not a child that views the world with this black and white/us vs them mentality. People are complex and to condemn anyone who doesn't think exactly like me would unbelievably idiotic.
Your comments remain to be another prime example of this behavior. You don't even know what I think about things and simply because you heard that I used to be a Democrat you have already started attacking me. Behavior like yours is precisely how the Democrats lost the 2024 election.
I am pro-choice. The government should have basically zero input on this. The only three people that should have anything to say about a pregnancy are the two people that caused it to happen and their doctor.
All for universal healthcare. Our current system is a bloated mess that actually ends up costing us more than universal healthcare would.
Don't care about gay marriage whatsoever. Let people marry whatever consenting adult they want. The government should have basically zero say about this.
I believe in actual freedom of speech full stop. Not like Elon Musk who claims he's a free speech absolutionist, but he immediately removes people he doesn't like from twitter. Fuck that guy forever.
I believe everyone has a right to defend themselves. Guns or otherwise. We have a rampant mental health problem and blaming whatever tool the crazy person uses is a massive waste of time and energy. We need to be addressing the root cause.
I think taxes should increase as you go up in wealth. People struggling to keep a roof over their heads and feed themselves should essentially pay zero taxes and those who have three homes in 3 different countries need to be paying more.
Churches 100000000% need to be paying taxes and it's a fucking joke that they still don't.
We need to have term limits on all positions and a maximum age for all political positions. If we were smart enough to know that people under the age of 35 aren't ready to run the country then we need to also agree that someone over the age of let's say 70 is also too old to reasonably understand what the majority of the country needs or wants.
I can't think of all the major political disagreements between the parties right now, but if you were to count them up the grand majority of my opinions fall into the "blue" side of things. I have never had any right leaning friends stop speaking to me for my various left leaning opinions, but I have had MANY left leaning people in my life completely cut me out of their lives immediately upon the first disagreement.
I am not the only person I know with those "mid-left" ideals that has found themselves similarly abandoned by the left. I'm no longer a Democrat because I will not associate myself with such a elitists group of close minded pricks. For completely different reasons I won't associate with the religious conservative morons on the right either.
Because I don't fully subscribe to either side I don't have a "home" but I have only ever been shunned by Dems. Republicans has either been indifferent or open to conversation with me which is precisely how the Democrats lost 2024. They will likely continue to lose in the future unless the whole party makes some rather significant shifts.
None of your opinions are anything I really disagree with except the guns. You claim elitists turn you off but claim you know better than everybody. Your antagonism towards nearly everybody is why I wouldn't like you, not your opinions. Maybe there are others like that that you blame differences of opinion for why you're not in their lives anymore.
This is America we are discussing. On a worldwide political spectrum. Sure, definitely to the right of the central line but from the American perspective that's as left as it gets.
The Democrat party is structured a lot like the Republican party at this point.
There's a lot of old guard establishment members that were in Washington when Kennedy was shot, the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. They're old, they're corrupt, the only thing they will ever vote for is the interests of large business. They have 100% control over party policy, what they actually vote for and do.
Then you've got the radical social progressives. They tend to either be college gender studies majors or you get into the Hollywood performative Prius driving types. They're as uncompromising on their issues as the red hat crowd, they talk about men the same way MAGAts talk about Mexicans. They have basically no power over the way the party votes or behaves but they've got almost total control over the party's voice and messaging.
Labor, once a mainstay of the Democrats, is unrepresented in Washington. The old guard establishment on both sides of the aisle are pro-corporation and anti-union, the right wing MAGAts are "the only ethical union is my union" and the far left are so used to taking clean running water, sewer, electricity and gasoline for granted that they ask questions like "Why should I have to pay to live?" The people who fix power lines, drill for oil, mine for coal, repair, maintain and operate power plants, water treatment plants, sewer systems, pave roads etc. are so invisible to them they think they're already in that post-scarcity world.
So you've got a Democratic party that speaks for the feminists and votes for the Fortune 500. They don't have much to say to or for me.
you're preaching to the choir (minus calling social progressives radical, they're fairly benign wanting whats best for others hardly radical.)
my point was the democratic party does not represent left wing politics and the person i was responding to was removed about the democrats and blaming left wing politics.
I don't understand this recent claim that the left and Democrats aren't the same thing.
Progressives, secularists and liberals have always been lumped into "left" and those people overwhelmingly overlap with what the Democrats claim to be all about.
The term "left" and "Democrat" are basically interchangeable for the most part.
Kinda like how Conservative/Republican/right have been pretty much interchangeable for a long time now.
As far as I can tell the only difference is the right doesn't seem to care as much about labels and the left gets super upset when they aren't labeled exactly right at all times.
Ohhhhh you're a communist. No wonder you don't understand anything. Your brain is completely void of logical thought.
Well you have fun with that. I won't be responding to you after this message. While I am generally open to discussing most things I have learned that trying to have a real conversation with self described communists on the Internet is a complete waste of time.
Supports imperialist projects to dominate the global south and destabilize competitors.
Supports more funding to police.
Rejects single payer health care.
Rejects nationalizing oil and gas industries.
Rejects any form of trust busting.
Rejects any measures to reign in corruption, lobbying, or corporate influence.
I could go on all day.
The only meaningful difference is that Democrats hate gays slightly less and try to avoid using the n word in public.
I'd ask you for math, but I'm just going to spend an hour debunking Washington Post links claiming dems want things they never bothered to try implementing.
To 99% of the population of you say "left" they will think Democrats and if you say "right" they will think Republicans. I'm not saying those definitions are strictly accurate, but that is how most people would lump those things.
I do not differentiate left/liberal/Democrats the same exact way I don't differentiate conservatives/Republicans/right. Those groups share enough overlap that unless you're specifically talking about a very slim slice of one of those sub groups you can generally use any of them to refer to the same groups interchangeably.
Rogan has a huge platform that reaches a lot of people and, in my opinion, along with that platform comes a responsibility to be careful about the voices and ideas he allows to be amplified on his show. There are already plenty of sources out there for people who want to check in on what the right is thinking. Rogan didn't need to be one of them. He rightly faced criticism. If his political stances weren't solid enough to survive the criticism, then I wonder how strong his convictions were to begin with.
You'll find that most people don't have strong convictions in their politics. People here were incredulous that undecided voters could exist even on election day, but it turns out to be more common than what someone who spends so much time discussing politics online would think.
It's HIS podcast. If he wanted to spend 7 hours s day talking about chimps that's HIS choice. Hell he used to do that sometimes lol.
He originally had people on from all over the political spectrum and every time he dared to have someone the left identified as "problematic" he was torn apart for doing so. Then people from the left stopped wanting to be on the show for fear they were also going to receive backlash for going on it. Look at Bernie. That guy bleeds blue and when he went on he was also shunned for daring to spend a few hours talking to a guy who might not agree with the mainstream left ideals completely.
You created a self fulfilling prophecy. He had red and blue on. You yelled at him for having red people on so less and less blue people wanted to go on the show. Now he's having more and more red people on the show. Now he's a full on Trumpy.
People like you turned him away from being a blue moderate and now we have red conspiracy theory Trump Joe.
You go back and watch his earlier episodes when he's talking to anyone even sorta red and he disagrees with them on practically everything. Joe was what Democrats used to be. They leaned left on most things but they were open to talking to people across the isle. They kept an open mind. Now there is zero nuance allowed. You agree with the left on all stances or you are dead to them. You guys are so stuck in your way of thinking (and thinking you are objectively right about everything) that you can't even see how you clearly created the situation that resulted in Trump winning in 2024 again. The moderates and the right both told you this was going to happen but you are either too prideful or egotistical to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with you implicitly.