my fav was bouncing people from the system (bbs) using the call-waiting blip during text-based mud PVP fights..
and if you really pissed someone off they would just physically cut your phone line.
I remember dropping Koreans from Diablo 2 by filling the text box with periods. I may have watched some friends ruin some hard-core players days in pvp.
I was the main builder for one called Lost Prophecy. I was obsessed. I easily wrote a few novels of words for descriptions of rooms, items, mobs, and their stats and programming.
I asked the guy who ran it after it was totally dead many years ago if we could release all my work publicly for other people to enjoy on still-active MUDs. He said no. Makes me sad to this day.
Special breed of cat indeed. Admins were generally awful. I never even got so much as a thanks for all the work I put in.
Not that I'm not weird as fuck for spending incredible amounts of time in my early teens doing all that on a tiny MUD. When MUDs had already become a niche interest.
Oh man, I forgot about MUDs until reading your post. What a throwback to a simpler time. I was hooked on one that sounded like a spider - Arachnea or something.
Probably Achaea, that's an Iron Realms game, good choice. I haven't played a lot of MUDs but Iron Realms made the better ones that I have played. I liked Starmourn quite a lot but it seems not many other people did because it's gone legacy mode now.