Accusations of racism prompted a country music channel to pull the video, which is set at the site of an infamous lynching and race riot. But Republicans are embracing Aldean.
“Cuss out a cop, spit in his face/ Stomp on the flag and light it up/ Yeah, ya think you’re tough,” he sings, and at another point: “Try that in a small town/ Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right/ If you’re looking for a fight.”
As fucked up as this is I'm laughing thinking about all this mofo's fans that would still rock out to 'Killing in the Name' the second they heard those first hits.
Especially considering that, with the exception of spitting, those are protected rights. Imagine threatening violence and murder for protesting or criticizing the government.
Exactly. The song glorifies extrajudicial violence in response to protected but unpopular behavior, but according to Aldean's press statement, it's not about lynching.
"No, your honor, I didn't steal anything from John. All I did was take some of his stuff without him knowing."
My conservative coworker was outraged about "all the lefty political shit" when he went to see Rage on the last tour. I was like damn bro you never really payed attention did you.