I don't disagree, but there were 1,500 people on that list, and everyone's acting like Biden himself personally reviewed every one of them. It's more likely to me that someone on his staff fucked up - or more likely was paid to sneak one in - than the idea that he himself added said judge knowingly.
He ain't the what any sane person would like, but in a crowded market of shitty politicians to choose from, he could be far worse - as many believe (myself included) we're about to find out.
Regardless, 1,500 people is a LOT to review the backgrounds of - especially with the time he has left. I don't think we should be surprised a few bad apples made it through the review process, and I'd rather risk that than those who actually were deserving of it not get theirs as well.
TL;DR: I don't think an understandably rushed process makes him any more of an imperfect human being than he already was. I'm not happy with some decisions he's made, but on the whole he's been no worse than the average.
He didnt need to rush it. Lets say a blanket statement on people who got arrested for weed, or committed crime against the state would have been easier to manage vs someone harmed someone else.
Also the list could have been drafted a while back, but it was clear he doesn't care.
I Personally believe there is no redeeming for someone seeing the genocide in Gaza and can save millions of lives and choses not to do so. And if he doesn’t value the lives of kids and children, he doesn’t care for low class citizen if the united states as well because he lack the humanity to do so.
Grow up, he's the head of the executive branch and could've assigned an intern 4 years ago and gotten good enough results without letting a corrupt judge go.
Hindsight is always 20-20, and you're an asshole to think you're justified in taking advantage of that to hold someone up to a level of perfection through that lens - one that I'm quite certain you wouldn't qualify for either.
Anything's possible. The bulk should be okay. I'd rather allow some criminals out than continue to jail those who don't deserve it - which would make up the vast majority of those people.