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  • There’s nothing wrong with rewatching shows/movies if you really enjoy it. Just starting on a rewatch (lost count) of The Mist (2007)… and no I do not recommend the series that came out in 2017

    • I always rewatch things. It's a comfort thing.

    • Same with audiobooks for me. I always listen while drifting off to sleep. First run through is fun and interesting, then repeats are more soothing and I don't mind I'm missing bits, pay less attention, and fall asleep easier

      • See for me personally I can’t do audiobooks, wish I could but I can’t listen and do other stuff. Music is different as I know the lyrics so I can listen or sing and not pay attention. With audiobooks I need to listen to what’s been said, and if I’m paying attention to what’s said I may as well just read a physical book or e-book. Plus I find most audiobook speakers to be boring. And I know you can always rewind the audiobook if I miss bits but yeah I still stand behind physical or e book instead, which is what I’ve been doing

        • Yeh I get that. It is probably poor sleep hygiene for me, and def leads me to staying awake for too long sometimes, but I prefer to have something so I don't need to listen to my thoughts 😬

        • I got an Audible win today - found that I had a recurring subscription but I never have used it. Must have been some free trial with an Amazon purchase. It's been running for months and months - total of over $270! - and I could not find an Amazon account it's attached to.

          So I called them today. They will not specify the Amazon account it belongs to because 'security', but they say they've stopped the payments and will refund the entire amount.

          Yay for that. Pricks.

    • I keep rewatching movies all the time without shame and tv shows too.

    • Yay Thomas Jane!