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  • With the whole Hollywood strike going on it got me thinking - there is SO much content that if something weird were to happen whereby no more movies or TV shows were to ever be made, I'd be fine with the sheer amount of content that has been generated up to this day. Like, if some weird, I don't know, space temporal displacement happened whereby Hollywood (or hell, anyone - BBC, Australian TV, etc.) were able to make anything else then there is enough content available for a lifetime regardless.

    Obviously in saying that it would mean an entire industry would be out of work permanently... so this hypothetical situation has massive economic pressures as well. But still... this strike could go on for years and I'd still be playing catch up.

    • The sad truth is there isnt much interesting coming out these days either. The current season of the Witcher is almost unwatchable. Secret Invasion is "Meh" at best. Silo was disappointing. I couldn't tell you the last thing we loved, beyond probably Picard? But even that had a horrible first 2 seasons. Grand Tour Eurocrash was ok. I am excited about Thank God You're Here though.

    • I've done so many rewatches of things, that I've missed out on a heap of newer content.

      It's not a bad place to be. And I figure, should this strike continue, I'll be ready to rewatch stuff again.

      Or go back to reading. Actually making progress through 2 different books right now and watching less during the week.

      • We're re-watching Supernatural. Had watched the original seasons 1-5 years ago and shat on the idea of the show continuing after the show runner was like "nope, my plan was always 5 seasons so I won't be staying on", only to turn around after the show's continued success and go "actually this is really cool I want back in." So yeah, 15 seasons at about 2-3 episodes a week is going to take us quite a while. And that's just one show. I saw the thread on Monday where you were talking about that show Justified and I was like "shit, that sounds like a cool show" so that's now on the list. Good thing that list is digital as I'd have to fell a whole forest for the parchment required to write the list out.

        • Took me a bit to get into Justified honestly. First season is essentially 'case of the week' with a bit of an overarching plot and recurring characters. After that it gets really good.

          I still have seen 0 episodes of Supernatural. Might give it a crack one day. Always seemed like a kiddie X-Files for me and not very interesting.

          • Good to know about Justified - I don't mind too much the idea of a "case of the week" so long as it's not its staple. I love shows that evolve in that way, rewarding longer time viewers with a payoff for the foundation/structure of the earlier part of the narrative.

            Supernatural is more akin to Buffy and Angel, I think - at least the first three or so seasons Overarching bad-guy with an episodic baddie of the week kind of thing. But the further you go the more you realise the key moments interwind towards something much more. The show runner, Eric Kripke, wrote a plan for how the who story arch of the first five seasons would play out and it's easy to appreciate that kind of forward planning - even if the third (?) season was hit with the last writers' strike.

            That said, yeah, it's definitely not as serious as X-Files. It has a lighter tone for the most part, with some episodes which are put together really well from a comedic perspective.

    • Sadly I'm on rewatches because I watch way too much content and have gobbled up just about every half decent show/movie in each genre I like. In good news.. new Justified today woo!

      • Rewatches are also great - I want to go back and watch things like Legion, as that's definitely a show that I feel would give a huge amount of benefit the second-time around. I'm also on my third run of Shorsey which I watch when doing cardio, and that's only after running through Letterkenny a secondtime.

        I saw you mention Justified the other day and hadn't heard of it, but I'm going to start that soon. Looks like a really cool show, and I love the idea of a neo-western, too.

    • It's ART. Content is a product you find in cereal boxes.