And I'm dying to know, who are the weirdos who get the urge to buy things like that right now? who are those weirdos?
I'm kinda thinking there are no people who feel the urge to buy Christmas things in the peak of summer. It's all just marketing and placement isn't it? shame on Costco
Before this was a thing in stores, elderly family members would buy things on sale so year for holiday and other special occasion gifts, because resources were limited. And there's nothing wrong with being wise, even if one has sufficient resources. There's a difference between that and stinginess/greed, and the line is thin and can easily become blurred. If I have what I need and operate from, hmm a lack mindset (”I lack personal operable transportation, poor me!), it is easy to fall into stinginess. When I operate from abundance mindset (”Good neighbors/friends/family go a bit out of their way, to make sure I can get to appointments and do other necessary errands! I'm so fortunate!" And compensate with gas money, chores, small but meaningful gifts if the others are declined or money is tighter), I can be wise and keep in my lane because the lines are seen more clearly.
The thing with old frugal people is they would buy Christmas cards after Christmas when the Christmas cards are on sale so they would save money for sending out Christmas card the next year. That is the best scenario for buying Christmas things out of season.
This is plausible and yes I'd quite prefer to attribute early Christmas displays to astronomical asynchronicities, rather than
to capitalist greed, consumerism, and overconsumption.