We don't even use the same type of imperial either
If France could just lie for a few years and say that they're adopting the British system, it might persuade us to finally metricise properly out of spite and I'd be extremely grateful to them
Not just tea-ville, but former tea-ville colonies also measure human height in feet and inched. And former tea-ville colonies make up a large portion of the human populace.
I live in New Zealand, we don't use inches. In fact, you're required to use metric if you're selling a product, as that's our official measurement system.
One person said the UK is using imperial measurements and you responded that this is wrong and showed in an example at the same time, why the original statement would be true
Alternatively, as a smaller scale, 158 cm and 188 cm are only 0.01727909011373578 and 0.020559930008748905 football fields, respectively. Hope this helps.
Yeah I had to read it twice to figure it wasn't years. And I use metric, so I know exactly how tall these two are but for some reason it didn't click on the first read
I guess one upside of living in a country that uses both metric and imperial frequently is that these things tend to click pretty quickly. The lack of consistency is annoying, though.
I'll accept the lowercase L (in my East Coast based US education we were taught liters should also be capital L, but that seems to either be flat-out incorrect or have fallen out of fashion), but googling images of the cans shows me no space between the number and the unit.
I hadn't even noticed that you didn't put a space between the number and the unit. Looking it up online, the Bureau international des poids et mesures states that a space is to be used in front of all units, except for °, ' and ". Dropping the space is very common though.
Practice using metric. Not kidding, as an American it’s sometimes frustrating but most things are available in metric and there is a quite large convenience factor