I chose the word intentionally, because it works in at least two senses: I am full of thought generally and I do things that exhibit evidence of having thought about others.
So would you consider yourself the most thoughtful person in your friend group, or your family, and what is it that you believe causes your thoughtfulness? Maybe it's upbringing, or life experiences
I don't compare myself to others along that axis, so I don't know. Also, it's very easy for a person to see themself as being superior to others when it comes to positive qualities such as that one.
As for why I'm like this, I imagine it's a combination of doing well in the genetic lottery combined with having reached a point of general comfort in my life that means I don't suffer from the same desperation-induced inward focus that others do.
Vary interesting. I definitely agree with the superiority complex thing. Tell me more about your personal relationships, that may include friends, family and partners. What do you hope to enhance, or are striving for within them?
Okay, how thoughtful hehe. In what way do you wish to make an impact either in a field or to people around you, and are you actually moving towards it?