How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way?
C'mon man! That's conspiracy thinking if I ever heard it. The truth is far simpler, and scarier, people are people just being people. And there are a lot of people trying to navigate a wildly complex world we didn't evolve for, one that's changing at breakneck speed. We almost have to boil our experiences down into more digestible chunks to make sense of it.
This article is so old that the formatting's been trashed, but I think you can parse the order of the text with a little effort. Few things I've ever read gave me a wider view of the world. It was so important to me I saved a PDF a few years back. If you don't like the humor, fuck it, there's still a strong message.
you are correct that I was a little lazy in not clarifying my statement and I can see that coming off as a Them conspiracy theory mind set but the powers at be that I'm talking about are NAM and people long dead now like birch and pew.
Also NAMs role in the Taft hartley act that hurt unionisation in America that we feel today.
and how NAM with the help of James Fifield warped churches across America as a response to The New Deal and FDR and fearing churches being a source of socialist thinking in the US.
If you follow this movement you will find people you know like Billy Gram and Ronald Reagan. Just look up the Spiritual Mobilization