because people think it's the only thing that matters, and while it can be a small component in a larger strategy to make change, people see it as important, and it's a simple shorthand for ideas most people don't have the patience to have explained to them.
yes im talking about a specific formulated thing, that's why I used the word "can" or "could".
I guess anyone who does anything but electoralism is silly. I ordered pizza just now. I'm a fucking idiot, I should have voted instead. I cleaned my bathroom this morning. fucking stupid, I should have voted instead. i made noises at a cat, and petted them when they came over. fucking childish, I should have been voting.
I feel like I'm being pretty damn clear. which isn't voting, and therefore pointless. I'd kill myself to absolve myself of the shame, but that isn't voting either.
No you are not. I've been asking you a very direct question and you keep avoiding it. What are you actually doing, anything at all? It sounds like you're doing nothing and just trying to sound edgy.
im not. i keep trying to vote but apparently it won't work again until november? I'm losing my shit here, man. IM GOING TO DIE and that isn't voting either. I wanted to eat food, but that's not voting. im so fucking thirsty, but drinking water isn't voting. I'd complain. I'd beg for some way to drink a glass of water that is voting, but I.... that wouldn't be voting either.