First of all, Satan doesn't rule Hell. He roams this Earth and will eventually be cast down to Hell. Secondly, everyone on this planet is deserving of Hell. Everyone thinks they're better than others, but we all fall short of God's glory.
INB4 God's not real, Hell's not real, yada yada. I'm not asking your opinion. Just correcting stupid theology on this comic.
These beliefs are good and I am glad that you have them.
However, allowing your beliefs to enable you to stifle other people's creativity is certainly not helping you, your sky daddy or anyone else.
I hope that helps somehow, in the tiniest way.
That was your interpretation but it doesn’t mean you couldn’t interpret it other ways.
Who says in the comic’s lore God didn’t send them there and didn’t feel like it was worth wasting God’s time to explain? Who says that was supposed to be Satan he was talking to?
In the established canon text of the Jesus lore, a concept of Hades/Gehenna has always existed. However, there are varying fan theories about what such a "hell" actually is (cf. Eastern Orthodox views where hell and heaven are just different experiences of God's presence vs. Protestant)