My partner wants to start vlogging and asked me to research cameras. I’ve gone full frame for a long time and have a Fuji X-Pro as my “daily” so haven’t really bothered with entry level APSCs.
I’m sort of impressed with the options available on the market for those just starting out. May I say it’s probably the only type of product that is not subject to inflation. For example the Nikon Z30 is cheaper than the Canon 550D that I started out with 13 years ago, but the Z30 has so much more feature… I was just telling my partner how back in 2010 the only reliable way to film vlog is to carry a professional full frame body like 5D Mark 2, so close to 10000..
There’s also dedicated Vlog point and shoots like the Sony ZV1 and 1F, and Canon Powershot V10. But -1 for no interchangeable lens and small sensor.
I suppose video content creation is the next possible evolution for the camera world. Whilst phones can slap a ton of filter, max out their noise reduction on photos they can’t do that on videos. And that’s where the optically superior dedicated cameras come in.