You've not convinced me. I don't know why anyone would use that argument if it completely betrayed their feelings. Plenty others you could use which make more sense
Lousy argument during primaries. It’s the kind of argument that gave us a Hillary candidacy when anyone who wasn’t deluded knew she’d lose. (An anti-establishment platform against the one person who embodies “the establishment”- and not in a good way?)
It’s the kind of argument that gives us fucking manchin or menendez, too.
But making that argument during the primary? Before the nominee has ever been decided? Naw. If they were serious, it wouldn’t matter so much and they’d let the best candidate win.
If the ticket is something messed up like Harris/Bob Menendez, or Harris/Blagoyavich, I might have some reservations, but would quickly look past them considering the alternative.
I think AOC isn't old enough to be VP. I don't say that as a matter of opinion. I think you have to be at least 40
Edit: it's actually 35, but AOC is 34 so I was partially correct
However I think the relevant language is:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Irrelevant. The Democrats would never put a progressive in a position where they could be president. They'll probably go for a centrist like Shapiro or a corporate Dem like Newsom. I'm hoping that they'll go with Whitmer but they'll probably shy away from a two woman ticket.
Before I left home this morning, I pointed to the bottle of mustard on the table and told my girl that I would vote for the mustard. We were talking about the rumors of Biden dropping out.
At least the mustard is honest about its color. So are carrots, for that matter. I'd totally vote for a carrot.
Yup, I'll vote for any garden vegetable except for cucumbers and their squash and watermelon relatives. Will make an exception for pickles, they're one of the good ones.
Don't know much about carrot varieties other than Queen Anne's lace is a wild carrot. Know more about taters and tomatoes.
Figure any real carrot would do. I'd totally vote for a beefsteak or better boy tomato over a carrot, however.
Have you tried a grafted cherry tomato/white potato plant? I've been looking at trying it out just because growing two produces with "one plant" seems really interesting to me and I've read a bit about how they're closely related enough that you can graft the tomato to the top of the potato plant.
Also trying to get more people into container gardening and it seems like a good space saver.
I'm not a big fan of container gardening. From the deep south, container gardening is for places where the sun won't dry and burn the roots.
Grew up working on a tater farm. Sweet taters and Irish taters.
We're in process of moving further north and my girl is excited to try container gardening again.
A plant takes in a certain amount of energy and turns part of that into fruit or root storage. You can't really get anything for free.
I prefer heirloom seed or hardware start plants grown traditionally.
It's been a long time since I've grown much of anything other than cacti, native ornamentals, and fungi. It's a kind of work I swore off for a long time.
Just bought a play farm, will probably grow some tomatoes. Have apple trees, blueberries, and a small vineyard I need to learn.
I have a tiny yard in the south and it's pretty much paved so container is the only way I can go until (if?) I manage to buy a house with a plantable area. Currently have some citrus in containers producing, a bunch of basil, tomatoes, and some various sprawlers like squash. I wish I had the space to put them all in the ground but I gotta work with what I have.
Usually use heirloom seeds or hardware starter plants but gotta pick varieties that are good for containers so I don't get that many options.
I figured that potatoes would still be productive in the seasons when tomatoes aren't growing on the branches due to heat or cold but I could be wrong since i'm still learning a lot.
Northern and central Alabama myself. Tater experience from central AL.
I've heard of people having great results with container tomatoes by taking the drip line of the AC unit and piping it into the tomatoes roots. Keeps the roots very cool.
Taters have a long season, plant just after frost is done. Blackberry Winter is no longer a constant due to climate change.
To try and do taters in containers, I would build my conainers from cinder blocks and fill the blocks with dirt or other insulation. 4' wide at a minimum and however long you want/have space/can afford. This would be for one row. Paint the blocks white. Bury a soaker hose down the center. Put the hose on a timer and adjust for high temps. You'll have to fight fungal infection due to the higher moisture so it would be delicate. I would treat with antifungal at intervals through the hose. Taters need more sand than you would think in the soil, especially if you have clay soil.
Most of the container potato setups I see use a lot of sand and straw which I thought would help with the fungal growth, though they're usually set up in something like a large trash can with an air layer of insulation around since it hold heat less than rocks but the white block idea with sunken drip line sounds intriguing.
We get a lot of clay in my area, but it's also pretty rainy most of summer so I would probably need some sort of sensor in the soil to figure out when it's dried enough for more watering.
Thanks for the response!
My favorites are the cherry tomatoes- can’t make up my mind on a single best, though. Blomdkopfchen roast amazing well (or grill!) where Amy’s Apricots do well in salads. Want to get my hands on some black cherries, though.
Chadwick’s are of course the old stand by in my greenhouse.
If you like beefsteaks, have you tried brandywine? They’re our favorite burger slicer here. (And oxhearts for saucing)
Grew up working on a tater farm. Sweet taters and Irish taters.
We're in process of moving further north and my girl is excited to try container gardening again.
I prefer heirloom seed or hardware start plants grown traditionally.
It's been a long time since I've grown much of anything other than cacti, native ornamentals, and fungi. It's a kind of work I swore off for a long time.
Just bought a play farm, will probably grow some tomatoes. Have apple trees, blueberries, and a small vineyard I need to learn.
Have always heard good things about Brandywine tomatoes.
Won't be this year, but we'll be trying some varieties.
Roma, we called Romies, were my favorite as a kid. Canned tomato soup and sauce always smelled amazing and the stuff in stores doesn't compare.
Best judge of a tomato is to slice it up, add too much salt, and eat it with a fork.