Why would Israel have a hard time getting munitions from any other first-world country, especially when they have the excuse of getting attacked by terrorists?
Withholding munitions from Israel doesn’t stop the genocide.
Maybe we should stop sending weapons to Ukraine since they're going to be able to buy them from someone else
Withdrawing support for either country doesn’t do anything good for us. It keeps friends with them, and both are fighting terrorists.
Israel, unlike Ukraine, happens to also be incurring civilian casualties - lots of them. By being the one they work with, we get to set terms of delivering aid and limited attack responses, things China or Russia likely wouldn’t care about. It works, to some small degree - they limited their attack response to Iran based on Biden’s threat.
You can disagree with the policy as being ineffective. But I’d say, first, propose an alternative - one that actually reduces death, not just wiped out hands of it. Second, stop labeling it “support” for the genocide. At worst, it’s a failure to convince other people to stop it.
It's so funny how the US is capable of stopping Russia in its own backyard for 2 years, yet incapable of reigning in its own satellite after almost a year of them indiscriminately killing civilians
What do you mean, all the propaganda for the last 2 years has been that Putin was stopped by the US weapons and the counteroffensive. Surely you aren't questioning the ability of the US to deliver on its promises.
Anyway if the US has that power, cutting off weapons to a genocide should be easy by comparison.
As near as I can tell your thesis is that the US is so weak and ineffective that Biden should not be blamed for arming a genocide against a captive population by a settler occupation, as they would have been able to get weapons from somewhere else. Is that wrong?
DO you think they aren't benefiting from the aircraft carrier battle group protecting their shipping lanes, or is that also something they could easily outsource too? Why do we even have a military if its this ineffective geopolitically in your eyes?
A coalition of all first world governments in the world is also incapable of stopping internal wars, so the phrase “weak and ineffective” is sorely exaggerated to me. The USA has been constantly condemned through history for acting as the “World Police”, so they now limit all direct military intervention.
Your comment on the navy is a non sequitor. No one is talking about outsourcing. More importantly, you’re still not suggesting a solution.
I am suggesting a solution, tell the settlers that they're on their own, pull the stupid aircraft carriers out of the red sea/med, and let them work it out with their neighbors on their own. Maybe pre-emptively strike the Israeli nuclear facilities before they do anything stupid.
A coalition of all first world governments in the world is also incapable of stopping internal wars, so the phrase “weak and ineffective” is sorely exaggerated to me. The USA has been constantly condemned through history for acting as the “World Police”, so they now limit all direct military intervention.
So are they too weak or too strong to do something?
A made up genocide in the balkans is enough for NATO allies to bomb innocent people for months, but close to two million people getting systematically exterminated is too 'world police-y' for you??
Are you seriously saying that wokeness is somehow restraining American actions? Is that why the US just has to stand idly by and continue arming a genocide?
They literally built a pier that was only really used for the settlers to base operations from for their massacre operations