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lowleveldata Why can't 51 years old like anime
16 12 ReplySuperSoftAbby
Begins with a P and ends with the time period of 1603–1867 in Japan.
20 4 ReplyDeanFogg Peudal?
9 0 Replytrue_espionage I will say it. Edo period
9 0 Reply
Syrc Are we still doing this in 2023? With anime movies selling 41 million tickets?
5 7 Reply
Jack Riddle It's not that he can't like anime, it's that this tweets sexualises a girl who looks like a teenager.
10 2 ReplypositiveWHAT The worst part is that he crosses the line between fantasy and reality by urging contact IRL.
5 0 Replylowleveldata If I post some images of Gollum and say "if you look like this DM me ASAP", am I sexualising Gollum?
2 2 ReplyGentlemanLoser If there's a whole genre of media that sexualizes corrupted hobbits, yes?
6 0 Replylowleveldata How could the existence of a community or lack thereof change the intention of my post? I'm sure there are some communities that sexualizes corrupted hobbits but I don't recognize one by name
2 1 Reply
Tb0n3 Oh noooo. You cannot like the style or looks of a 19 year old anime character if you're old. That's illegal.
Look. I've hated musk before it was cool but that's a stupid take.
2 5 Reply