Tell Russia to stop issuing nuclear threats, we just got another one from Putin in the last 24 hours. It's easy to dial back tensions when you aren't being threatened with annihilation on a daily and weekly basis.
Happy cakeday. And yeah deescalation requires both parties to open to de-arm not only one of them.
Honestly though the best case scenario of how this all ends doesn't really look great to me.
Either Russia loses the war, the government destabilizes, a power vacuum is formed which causes a power shift in a way likely to lead to more aggressive action in the future.
Or Russia wins the war, eyes other countries after it settles into Ukraine, NATO/US need to respond or else it sends the wrong message to other countries allied with them, and we head for WW3
Edit: There is also the idea of a stalemate and this just becomes a continuous war that doesn't really end, but honestly I can't see that being stable long term.
NATO expansion after the dissolution of the UDSSR (against what threat?) Is the first aggression.. Also, even though Medvedev like to bark a lot, Russia has a clear nuclear doctrine.
The US has no business in that conflict, we literally only make things worse. Putin and Ukraine have zero to do with our lives, and the idea that we need to be in a war with russia is just silly propaganda.