If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
Not if you lose your bet that anyone is willing to pay you your desired wage. Then it’s unemployment because you gambled and lost. And even if they do agree, it’s just luck that you won— but it’s still a gamble.
Good thing it’s typically mandated by state law. You don’t have a choice when it’s deducted from your paycheck in most cases, and you’re automatically enrolled. (In some states and situations, it’s paid for by the employers). Whether you ever take advantage of that is another matter.
However, that’s irrelevant. All you’ve done here is demonstrate poor decision-making skills, and a profound misunderstanding of the concepts of both insurance and gambling.
Then that’s foolish, but not really relevant to this discussion about health insurance… Unless your point is to illustrate that you have no real idea about what insurance is or how it works.