If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
Then that’s foolish, but not really relevant to this discussion about health insurance… Unless your point is to illustrate that you have no real idea about what insurance is or how it works.
Coming from the person who doesn’t “get” what insurance is or the meaning of the word “gambling” means until I had to post the definition from a dictionary.
I’m talking about being against gambling and you are trying to define gambling as doing anything because it might have an outcome - this isn’t a good-faith stance in this conversation which we are having.
I didn’t define gambling— the dictionary did. Blaming me because certain words have certain meanings is irrational, and is certainly not good-faith. And attacking me personally just because you have no other argument is just an Ad hominem.