But Biden ended up building the border wall? Also pushing loan forgiveness is neutralized by the fact that he restarted loan payments.
I can list dozens of other trump-era bullshit Biden maintained, but it's tiring.
I feel like I've been having this same conversation for a decade, after watching Obama demotivate the base by maintaining/expanding Bush's policies, while republicans and democrats insist that he actually implemented socialism.
To my knowledge the only sections of wall he's built were funded by Trump's Congress before he left office. Meaning he had little choice but to spend the money on what Congress appropriated it for.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather not live in a world where someone like Trump can just decide he doesn't want to spend portions of the money Congress appropriated. He could just suddenly decide that the federal government isn't going to pay like Medicaid or SNAP.
this is basically what he tried to do with money for ukraine. refusing to give it till he got tit for tat. Its funny that alciholicorn is continuing the exact crazy type of arguments that the screenshot highlights.
The administration said that it was bound to build this section of new wall because Congress already appropriated the funding to do so in 2019. It had been unsuccessful in convincing Congress to rescind the funding
so... the wall had already been ordered and paid by congress under the Tramp administration, so the Biden administration followed the law?
Basically yes that's my understanding. When Congress appropriates money for something, the Executive Branch is obligated by law to spend that money on what Congress appropriated it for.
As much as I hate the whole border wall thing if Biden just said "Fuck Congress, we're not doing that" it almost certainly would lead to a world where the next Republican president uses that same idea to essentially end things like Medicaid or SNAP.
Yea... the objective isn't to take everything you don't like to SCOTUS or to fight it tooth and nail. It's a waste of time and resources. That was just Trump's objective because he's a piece of shit.
Taking the funding of those sections of border wall to SCOTUS would have wasted the Republicans time and resources... How exactly? It would be Biden's DOJ that would have to prepare some kind of legal rationale to challenge the wall funding. Then even if they came up with a perfect ironclad reasoning SCOTUS isn't even required to grant it cert to even hear the case.
I utterly fail to see any version of this where it wastes more Republican resources than Democrat ones.
If Biden just does it and waits to get sued rather than going to SCOTUS himself to get them to rule that he can divert the funds it opens up a bunch of problems for everyone. Not only does it still not save Biden and the dems time and resources as they still have to argue the case at every level it goes to and still have to be the ones to appeal it higher if any of the lower courts rule against them. But if they win it could arguably be even worse. Sure we stop the border wall, but what is there to stop a future Republican president from saying "I think Medicaid, SNAP, Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, Section 8, or other federal social program they don't like are illegal actually and I'm not releasing the funds for them" and us then needing to sue him into complying?
But neglecting why that money went towards a wall is pretty important. He is status quo enough that he didn’t want to hand an impeachment to the republicans.