Why isn't Biden out there reminding everyone of this?? People think he haen't done anything because he's doing zero chest beating, which is what you WANT to do to win over the morons not paying attention.
Yet again, Democrats prove themselves to be garbage politicians, yet idiots CONSTANTLY defend Democrats for utterly failing to take ANY win.
This is all so fucking pathetic, watching people argue about which pile of shit they want to step in to.
He is doing all that. How many of his speeches and campaign stops and addresses are you watching? How many White House Press briefings do you watch? How many press releases do you read every day? On the one hand the media doesn't do a great job reporting, on the other hand a lot of us don't pay attention. Or we're just not paying attention to the media sources that actually cover these things.
Why is he only saying it in stupid nirmal ways? Why doesn't he have everyone browbeating reporters with it? Nobody fails to hear what Trump does, whether they want to or not. Biden does nothing to help himself beyond the "normal" political crap, and that OBVIOUSLY is not how the game is played these days.
The fact that everything trump does gets media coverage is because everything he does is bat shit insane and will get viewers, which is their goal...which is a serious failing of modern journalism.