Bryan Malinowski, executive director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, was fatally wounded in a shootout as ATF agents tried to serve a search warrant at his home.
Bryan Malinowski, executive director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, was fatally wounded in a shootout as ATF agents tried to serve a search warrant at his home.
An executive for the Little Rock, Arkansas, airport who was killed in a shootout with federal agents this week had been under investigation over gun sales, search warrant records unsealed Thursday show.
Bryan Malinowski, 53, who was executive director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, was shot after he opened fire at federal agents who arrived to serve a warrant Tuesday morning, officials said.
So you think that the difference between a farm implement and a sword and armour is the same as the difference between an AR15 and a B52 wirh a ninja bombs, an A10, and a helicopter with side mounted mini guns?
Doesn't have to be the same. The distance from Earth to the Moon is not the same order of magnitude as the distance from the Moon to the Sun, but for many purposes could as well be.
That is utterly ridiculous. Literally worthy of ridicule.
The peasant and knight could see each other. They had to be within a few yards of each other. The US government could take you out from an airplane 10 miles up and you would just end without knowing it was coming.
But, as I say, by all means, bring it. The rest of us would like to have it over and get on with our lives.
Does the government just bombing poor farmers ever work though? Recent history indicates a handful of determined fighters stand a really good chance against the U.S. military. Actually, has a conventional force ever won against a local insurgency?
It depends on what victory is and what defeat is. You can't dictate terms of your victory to people who don't understand them and don't coordinate with each other as a whole entity. You also sometimes are not prepared to engage in full-blown genocide. And getting the bombs to the place may cost you much more than for those people to get their AKs. And bombs don't control territory. And you may be willing to spend some amount of lives, and they may be willing to spend a different amount of lives.
We're not taking about our farmers. We're taking about christofascist Gravy Seals. The vast majority of the population don't want the US to become a fascist theocratic dictatorship.
Flipped on its head your argument boils down to: If the GOP keeps winning and the country sinks further into fascism we should just give up because we won't be able to resist the might of the military anyway no matter how many of us don't want a theocracy.
There's a distinct difference between 400 million people who don't want to live under a christofascist dictatorship and 30 million do think they do. The reality is that there are a very small number of people who are willing to continue to live out their collective fantasy after they see someone standing beside them lose their head to a 7.62 bullet. Everything changes when you're on a two way range. The attack on congress was ended when a single bullet ripped through the chest of a single traitor and everyone thought, "Holy fucking shitballs! They're shooting white people! They're going to fucking kill us! "
The problem with collective fantasies in echo chambers is that no one ever says, "They're going to be shooting back with more powerful weapons. How many of us are going to die and what will happen if we lose?"
Just a reminder that the 1979 Iranian Revolution happened when 98% of voters approved of the shift to an Islamic Republic.
The battlefield isn't always two sides facing off and shooting each other determined by who has the larger caliber. Sometimes it's in basements and churches, whispered to close friends and trusted compatriots.
I tell people all the time (especially trans and BIPOC friends) as often as I can that now is the time to arm yourself. Get a couple firearms (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn a bit of first aid (you just need to know how to stabilize someone), and start networking with like minded people around you. As you've pointed out the police and military will not protect us, they'll happily shoot us in the face with rubber bullet and club senior citizens to the ground; just like they did during the BLM protests.
There are idiots champing at the bit for a "civil war," and while they may not win it, more than a few might be happy to take a couple "queer-o libtard commie groomers" or whatever with them in the process.
That's not the situation in the US. The vast majority don't want a christofascist dictatorship. The army decides who wins any revolution. You don't beat the army, you get it on your side. Most of the members of the army don't want a christofascist dictatorship, either, and the leadership definitely don't want one. If the Trumpists try to take up arms to install Trump as dictator they end up in prison or dead and the US survives.
I didn't say anything about gun control. Nothing. Not a single word.
I'm talking about the Gravy Seals, Y'all Queda, Meal Team 6 who think they can use their AR15s and ill- fitting, mismatched surplus store body armour to overthrow the government and install the Mandarin Mussolini as dictator for life. They will end up in prison or dead and the US will be better off for it.
That is utterly ridiculous. Literally worthy of ridicule.
I think you're the only thing here worth of ridicule.
The pleasant and knight could see each other. They had to be within a few yards of each other. The US government could take you out from an airplane 10 miles up and you would just end without knowing it was coming.
A cat and a mouse too, but I haven't head of a mouse killing a cat.
The rest of us would like to have it over and get on with our lives.
That's a good point, wasted enough of my time on a modern equivalent of that peasant.