Which video games have been trapped on a hardware platform (console/handheld/headset/etc.) that you wish would be ported well?
Which video games have been trapped on a hardware platform (console/handheld/headset/etc.) that you wish would be ported well?
I was reading about Oculus accounts that haven't been assimilated into Meta accounts being erased, & it got me thinking about games trapped on hardware platforms again. What are some of the games you wish would have good ports across different hardware?
I've never played it, but I am curious about it : I wonder why SEGA never ported Jet Set Radio Future on any other platform. It never left the original xBox.
It's a bit weird because SEGA is usually not against getting a few quick bucks from the old catalogue. The first Jet Set Radio, along with a couple other Dreamcast games, has a PC version, and it's at least playable, if not absolutely perfect.
Jet Set Radio Future not appearing on another platform or being rereleased does not have an officially known reason, but I 100% personally guarantee you its about music copyright. Either a license for a sound sample used in a song expired, or the license for a song expired. There is no other reason.