You can’t see the difference there, really?
I think you may be being a little shady here, friend, just a little bit deceptive, because I don’t believe that you were stupid enough to not see the difference between supporting the actual physical life of someone and not getting everything you fucking want?
Are you going to be the one putting your daughter in the conversion camp?
Yeah, that’s how the actual conversion camps?
So you’re deliberately trying to make a false equivalence here?
Now you could tell me to worry about other peoples children, but that doesn’t give you the personal grab and shield did it being your own daughter does, does it?
So surely you’re not using loaded language here?
Look at the straight facts, your boy is supporting and directly enabling the killing of 10,000 innocent children.
Ones who will never even get the chance to grow.
That is what you support, you can hide from that fact all you want.
Fuck Trump and Fuck Biden.
They can both die today and we could have 2 more public fucking toilets.
As long as you people keep fucking supporting them no matter what then they will never change.
You people are just as bad as the motherfuckers that have to carry a pistol just to walk to their cars.
You all are letting fear ruin your ability to have anything fucking better.
You are holding the rest of us back with you.
Do you know how many stupid motherfuckers I hear voting for bad people just to “ be moderate” but really they wish they could have insert actual good choice here?
If even half of them would vote for the “not safe” candidate then they would win by a landslide.
Instead people who like the motherfucking status quo hide behind the “safe choice” just so that they can pretend that they are fine with children dying as long as it is far away from them.
Try thinking about something or someone that doesn’t directly affect or connect to you.
“Fuck You, I Got Mine!”, where oh where have I seen that attitude before?
But yeah, I’m glad you can ignore it just because you aren’t affected by it.