The clock is ticking toward a deadline to meet renewable-energy standards. But USA TODAY's analysis finds local governments banning wind turbines, solar plants.
Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they're being built::The clock is ticking toward a deadline to meet renewable-energy standards. But USA TODAY's analysis finds local governments banning wind turbines, solar plants.
Who the fuck does this? What's going through their head to make them think there's any justification? How is there multiple idiots collaborating well enough to get in the way!?
Some are NIMBYs. Most, however, are alt-right reality-hostile whackadoodles who see any “renewable” energy generation as a liberal plot to destroy America.
These people actively think that renewables will harm America.
How do I know this? We have the same crazies up here in Canada. Some of them, despite having been born here, routinely confuse the two countries, spouting US legislation - like the constitutions and amendments - in “defense” of their “freedoms” being “infringed upon” by things like wind turbines.
Nah man, it's some, not most, which makes it all the more depressing. My hometown is a farm town, and some are crying and moaning about turbines, some aren't.
The Business-minded Farmers see the green, the local Liberals see the other green, the Hicks see an eyesore, and the Yokels see da librul nrg and shit themselves because "it's happening in their town".
Yokels panic and lie to the hicks, hicks then get scared and hateful towards the one thing that's not a Dollar General promising new jobs for the town in the last several decades.
It's not just NIMBY or alt-right trolls that are against windmills. There are legitimate issues with living next to one that get discounted by people that aren't exposed to it.
Having noise regulation on the windmills that prevents people living near from hearing them would prevent that from being an issue, but ridicule is the chosen response.
The blade causing a repetitive shadow is annoying for people and there isn't a good solution.
Giving residents within .5-1 miles of a windmill free or reduced electricity would also probably solve 90% of the backlash. It would reduce profits though so it won't happen.
Zero farmers want to ban wind. They want to lease their land to power generation companies. They do it all the time, especially where they just graze cattle or sheep. They can do both at the same time.
I used to think this, then my sister moved out to the country. The farmers and others who live out there removed and removed and removed about the windmills because they look ugly, and all blink red lights synchronously at night and it’s creepy.
I think they just don’t like change, which is why they live in the middle of nowhere. I’m also fully in favor of windmills despite hearing their frustrations, I don’t have to live out there. They’ve never bothered me when I visit though.
But for farmers who don’t graze their animals near the windmills but instead plant crops, the lease doesn’t always cover the loss of cropland apparently. Because they can’t plant within a radius of the thing.
Cry more. I don't want the climate change to kill everyone.
Edit: also if we're complaining about ugly, let me make a list. I'll start at people rolling coal and end at the fat acceptance people in my fit girls porn.
Wind is finite, and there has actually been research done to estimate the impact slower winds would have (a few degrees iirc), it's just that this is massively offset by the pros of using wind.
no, wind is not a finite resource. it's produced by the heating and cooling of the earth. Wind turbines aren't doing anything to stop the sun from coming up and going down.
Hate to break it to you but wind is a finite resource, it's unlikely that earths inhabitants would ever saturate it -it is still quite possible just excessively unlikely.