Why don't you mind yours and let them enjoy their retirement rather than taking on unnecessary debt and awful hours to compete in a market designed to benefit megacorps over small businesses regardless of all the empty rhetoric from both parties?
Maybe it's less a line to be toed and more your utter tonedeafness. Also, "uppity" is perhaps not the best word choice since that's usually used as a racist and/or classist dog whistle..
French Press. Trying some new beans from Costco called Greenberry's. Didn't realize the front had a zipper and cut the whole damn top off, so feeling like a moron (good start to Monday).
Been cutting myself from any sort of dairy, since been adding a splash of oatmeal in it, and it's pretty much perfect.
We sometimes add a piece of cinnamon to the grinder to get it a little extra flavor sometimes. It's actually really nice on occasion - gets to be a little much when you do it too often though.