Opera used to be a fantastic web browser, with a custom high-performance Presto rendering engine and features like tabbed windows that didn't show up in competing browsers until years later. However, the modern Opera browser is a shadow of its former self, reliant on chasing trends and meme advertis...
Is this a shitpost or is that idiot actually telling me not to use Opera because of alleged investor fraud in 2020?
I don't give a fuck about that, mate, when the other option is a Monopoly that literally removed the "Don't be Evil" clause from their code of conduct. If you want me to stop using Opera then you'll have to give me a reason about the specifications of the program, not about the company's petty crimes due to Chinese regulatory failures.
I don’t give a fuck about that, mate, when the other option is a Monopoly that literally removed the “Don’t be Evil” clause from their code of conduct.
Not that it matters either way but they didn't remove the clause, they just moved it from the introduction to the closing statement. Which clickbait articles all reported as "removed".
I'm just tired as the next person about posts that provide a million half-assed reasons to not use anything but Firefox. But honestly If we don't stop these places from building dossiers on us and locking us out of websites that are unsanctioned by them, It will a erode our opportunities in years to come.
Right now, it doesn't feel like it matters. Lexis-Nexis knows every nickel you ever spend and every creditor that ever ran a check on you, Google knows what type of porn you like to watch, tik tok and opera are storing everything that you've ever been into in a place that can be retrieved by other governments.
At some point we're going to have to take our privacy more seriously. Preferably before 1984 actually becomes real.
If you could just provide some citations about Opera intrusively tracking and building profiles then I'd happily switch. The thing is, though, it's still leagues better than Chromium in that regard.
For what it's worth their privacy policy does say they gather telemetry and they did pay how many billions for the company?
Almost everybody else is gathering telemetry as well obviously. The actual root of the concern is that the companies are based in China, you know the great firewall of China, China. The Chinese government holds a stranglehold on the companies that operate within them. For example if you have a US company and you want to do some business in China you have to find a Chinese partner company to sponsor you. Everything you store there everything you touch runs through the Chinese government. If they want any of the data, that required to be given access.
If you remember when Google went to open a data center in China there was a pretty big kerfuffle. It was because the Chinese government was going to be handed keys to the kingdom for anything that was stored in China. For better or for worse it's just how they operate.
You may not feel the same way but I'm sure you at least get the concern there.
Personally I try not to use Google integrated Chrome or Microsoft integrated chromium. I still use brave when I need a Chrome browser and that's not the best either. They'd sell me up the river if they decided they needed a buck.
I honestly wish we had more Firefox competition. And unified plug-in languages. The stuff that Opera and brave are providing aren't difficult to mimic. And I really like there being developers fighting YouTube ad blocking and website pop-ups and pay wall bypasses.
I'm not saying oh my God they're going to rape you over the coals right now but do consider that the people that are making these crazy ass posts aren't delusional or entirely wrong, and do use who's getting your data on your consideration.
Ah wow you're right, ever since Opera 15 they dropped the presto engine. Still, my point was supposed to be they're much more privacy friendly than Google Chrome, and that still stands to be argued.
20 years later you're denied a house loan because your internet records show you went to a fascist website. Or an anti-fascist website, whatever floats your boat.
Things that were acceptable or slightly garish 20 years ago are now grounds for dismissal at a job, you know.