Why is it that everyone thinks they're not using their money as power? That's kind of obviously what's been happening to me, it's just that mostly, they end up using their power to try and centralize more power. disney buying out marvel, buying out the muppets, microsoft now having openAI, EA buying every game studio just to end up fucking them all up severely, yadda yadda. Use the money to invest in companies and run those companies which are also seeking their own self-interest and power centralization, run all those companies with whatever goals you just kind of vaguely feel like at the time, even if it kills cool stuff in the crib, even if it ends up fucking over the end user. We are subject to the highly coordinated and elaborate whims of an idiotic set of dictators who are, as dictated by their position at the top of the hierarchy, they are incapable of making good decisions.
Why is it that nobody sees that it's just gambling addiction? Also, remember at those levels, you are most certainly not calling the shots by yourself. You're surrounded with a full entourage, like a royal court if you will, of people doing your bidding, and people doing their bidding, and bidding bidding other bidding. Being that rich is like being a statesman of old. Not the only similarity to feudality, truth be told.
I agree with your take, though I'd never considered it that way. I'm actually more scared thinking about their destruction being whimsical, rather than part of a coherent plan
I am afraid you have reason to be afraid then. The system encourages the behavior, and once you're trapped in it, there's only one road ahead. You're rewarded for playing the game, you are punished for not doing it. Do you know of "Conway's Game of Life"? It is an old program or mathematical concept with evolutionary algorithms, it has a starting condition and an ending condition, it's highly worth checking out if not for the historical value.
You plop down a cell, with some starting conditions, let's say procreate, make money, expand. If your environment allows for it, the cell expands. If it doesn't, then that cell dies. When all cells are dead, the game ends.
Capitalism is a starting condition whose inevitable conclusion is that it dies. If fulfilled, it breaks. By the nature of its internal rules, it can never keep going, there is no stable instance. The aspiration of capitalism is in itself self destructive. Under no circumstance can capitalism ever work in perpetuity. It is inherently unstable, and will collapse. <- we are more or less here
It's like giving an android the command "eat your own face". If it does, it dies. If it don't it fails. We are slaves under this structure, with no way of getting off the wild ride.
It's neither. People act in their own interests, the bourgeoisie are not intentionally conspiring nor is it chaotic. It's out of the general "improve my material conditions" drive that each class abides by.
I'm partially convinced that the conspiratorially minded just kind of do so because it's easier to imagine that everything is part of a highly coordinated level of fuckery, rather than a combination of multiple captains that are all fighting over the rudder, squirreling us in random directions, and then the kind of motion of the ocean pushing us around, until it all kind of evens out to a baseline rate of snap, or jounce, or whatever it is.