I don't have a problem with zoomers, but I will make fun of them for using TikTok. It's an unhealthy social environment. I know a zoomer who struggles with tiktok addiction and always does more poorly after using that app. They've been braver and kinder since they quit it.
So if they're not going to save the world, nothing they ever do amounts to anything. Worse, the whole thing worked (the Zoomer quit Tiktok and they feel better now) so that was obviously bad.
And now, and please do mind that has nothing to do with age: Your argument is dumb and you should feel bad. In fact the first thing is Boomer talk, the shit they tried to get us with. Fuck that.
Picking on younger generations is healthy and natural: They're still figuring stuff out and it's a good way to give some teachings while everyone has a chuckle. What's not healthy and natural is leaving them with neuroses where silent expectations, judgements, unwillingness to see their side etc. are the usual weapons: Don't carry a dagger behind your back, doubly so don't be unconscious of it, instead, open-carry a super soaker.
Unlike you I do not, in fact, fear five-year-olds. And it's not because of fear or principle. It is because I am not a craven, sadistic lunatic who feels the need to harm children to prove a point.
I shall look forward towards your experience report picking that snowball fight with a whole primary school, then. Also primary school is like 6-10, at least over here. They can throw.
I'm a millennial and I'm constantly reminding them that their generation is fucked. We can joke about overreliance on screens but they actually require it to SLEEP...
I think the strength needed to fix our world is completely lacking from first world children, that they instead escape into fantasy and whimsy and shut out the larger world. They get led around by the nose by propoganda and trends, by celebrity worship and corporate marketing.
It's on the other generations, too. It's not going to end before we're all dead. Passing the torch is barely functional, if a single generation fails to pick up the work set by the previous then our race will die out. Generations are generally better than their predecessors, but only because their predecessors mould them to fit the world they've created, and that work must continue for generations to come. They do not become the way they are on their own.
Are you saying you're nihilistic and therefor that you don't care or are you implying that I am nihilistic for worrying about the future? Because both of those sentiments are bad for very different reasons: one is wrong and the other is selfish. Thanks for accidentally arguing on my behalf.
I'm making fun of you if that wasn't clear. No, the next generation are not weak, incapable or any other sort of negative generalization that you might think they are. They are people as diverse any other generation and the whole point of this post is to espouse that generational stereotypes only serve to hurt us and divide us from accomplishing better things for humanity.